Power Information:Name: (What is the name of your Power?)
Spanish Title: (What is it called in Spanish?)
Range: (How far or wide-spread does the power go? Any way of measurement would work.)
Type: (Upgrade, Passive, Offensive, or Defensive?)
Rank: (What [number] rank is required to know this power? Numeros, Espada, Privaron Espada, etc.)
Race(s): (What race is allowed to use this power? Vizard, Gillian, Menos, Vasto Lorde, Arrancar, etc.)
Description: (What does the power do, and what does it look like, other information about it can be put in here.)
- Code:
[size=16][u][b]Power Information[/u]:[/b][/size]
[b][u]Spanish Title[/u]:[/b]
[b][u]Hollow Rank[/u]:[/b]